A Blonde in Bogotá

So this just in… I’m blonde. Being blonde in Bogotá is like being a zoo animal, only you are a rare creature worth gawking at. I should clarify myself here… in Bogotá, Laura is blonde, and for those of you who don’t know Laura she is nothing but a brunette. Now, in a city of 9 million, there are several other blondes, but most of them are Bogotá blonde, like Laura’s blonde which is really just a light brunette. There are other blondes like me, but it is clear that they, like me, are not from here. After being in Kourou, I thought I would be accustomed to standing out… but it is different here. I’m sure it is because there are so many more people here, but there is almost always someone staring! It is not all that uncommon for people to say ‘wow’ or a long drawn out ‘hi’ on the street. Though one thing that I appreciate is the little kids. They stare in astonishment with wide open, adorable little eyes that just melt me. I imagine that when they pull on their parents sleeves they say ‘look mom, look…her hair…’

So needless to say, we both have died our hair black in an attempt to fit in! Just kidding- that’s just us supporting our CU Buffs! I’m slowly getting used to being something to look at! Sorry this post has very little to do with our fun in Bogotá- which I will write about soon! Also check out Laura’s blog for more info on our daily adventures!

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